The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript
Imagine If Today, You Put Into Motion A Few Small Actions That In Just A Few Short Weeks Delivered An Unstoppable Flood Of Traffic And Sales In Which The Only Way You Could Shut It Off Would Be To Call Your Web Host
The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript

Monday, March 19, 2007

Earn As Much As $200,000.00 Per Month

My strategies have allowed me to build a business that grows larger and larger each month with no sign of stopping... Ever!
I could not shut down the traffic if I wanted to. It is all based on my Butterfly Marketing Principles. "The Small, seemingly insignificant, changes you make to your business today, will have a dramatic effect on your success in the the near future."
Seriously, the only way I could stop traffic coming from my site, and 570+ new opt in members each day, would be to pull the plug on my server. And if I wanted to stop making money, I would have to remove the order buttons from my sales pages.
I blew the doors off of "Conventional" List Building. I cracked the traffic code. I found out how to monetize the traffic. And to know the secrets, you had to pay a mortgage payment to learn how you, too, could do the same.
$200,000 USD per month... Strong claims I know. And as much as I would like you to believe me, for the sake of those people sending me mail that my claims are total lies, please allow me to add some proof of claims for you below...
Like any business, there are months that are better than others. But I can tell you that I do earn a steady and increasing amount of money each and every month online. The chart would look like one of those rising stock charts.

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The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript
Imagine If Today, You Put Into Motion A Few Small Actions That In Just A Few Short Weeks Delivered An Unstoppable Flood Of Traffic And Sales In Which The Only Way You Could Shut It Off Would Be To Call Your Web Host
The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript